I don’t fit on the buses. Riding the bus from Yuen Long to the US Consulate was like some depraved yoga pose for me because I have to pull my knees up and together to keep from rubbing against the person in front of me. Going from the top floor of the bus to the exit on the lower floor, I have to bend in half. Picture to follow.
I don’t fit in the rooms. When I got into the shower this morning, I had three new marks that were not there yesterday: two on my back from running into cupboard corners while attempting to turn around and one on my head from banging into my cousin’s bunk bed while attempting to sit at the computer beneath it. This includes some stores too. I went in a bookstore with a laptop shoulder bag and could not fit into some of the side aisles. Never before have I understood so well the whole “bull in china shop” thing.
I don’t fit on the sidewalks. I must have stepped on Heleina’s shoes five times in the first day of walking around. The problem comes when we’re walking along a semi-crowded sidewalk and all of the sudden we’re in the middle of a market, with old people pulling carts, sweaty middle-aged guys delivering loads to the vendors, and hawkers with microphones drawing crowds (including my wife). Most of the time this system works like one of those famous Swiss watches, but when you insert a guy with giant feet and long strides, it works like an infamous Chinese imitation watch.