Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Name Game

This is why we name our kids instead of letting them do it themselves. In Hong Kong people pick their own English names and they usually do so in elementary school, at least the first time. English names can change as quickly as hairstyles. Perhaps this is a compensation for a universal resentment from teenagers that their parents chose their name instead of them, but names are frivolous things here. To help you better appreciate the situation, dear reader, I have prepared a little game.

Each of the names below corresponds with one of the contexts in which we met each person. To make it a little easier, we have included multiple students' names. When you think you have figured out who is who, submit your guesses as a comment so all can enjoy.

Pinkie ………… School principal

Kinke ………… Hair stylist

Winky ………… 2 students: one a boy and one a girl

Fish ………… Student

Rainbow ………… Ingrid Millet (salon) employee

Circle ………… Jusco (like Walmart) employee

Sony ………… School administrator

Luparker ………… Student

BoBo ………… Ingrid Millet Employee

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea. Will you please post the answers!!!
